Life is full of struggles and circumstances. Sometimes, I can hardly feel the presence of love of God. I can't understand why God allowed some bad things happened in my childhood life. Why He didn't protect me when I was molested as a child? Until now, the only profound answer I have in mind is: I don't know. I really don't. But God knows. And that's enough. I believe everything happens for a reason. As Bo Sanchez says, "God won't protect you from all pain. But He will allow the pain that can turn into a great blessing." The Bible says, All things work for good to those who love God.
Despite all hardships and pain I have endured, I'm still strong. And that's because of God's grace and protection. Inspirational and motivational books have a great impact in my life. I picked up all the words of wisdom I found on it and keep it as my armor in struggling life's journey. God's Word and faith in Him are the two powerful tools of mine in surmounting the mountain of life I've been through. But it isn't easy. There are times I see myself being knocked down. But God is good. God put His arms around me and lifted me up.
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