Friday, February 25, 2011

One Day At A Time

I love books. Inspirational and motivational books are on top of my list. Francis J. Kong is one of my favorite author. He is known as an effective motivational and inspirational speaker. That's why I had no second thought in buying his One Day At A Time (Books 1 to 4) when I read it from his site. It is a Daily Dose of Inspiration for the Man at Work.

photo courtesy of
I inquired at the office about it and ordered a set. I even requested it to be signed by Sir Francis J. Kong. I deposited the payment at Banco de Oro and received the order last December 07, 2010. I'm glad when I opened and found out that it was finally signed by the author.

 2Go parcel
 1 bookcase with 4 volumes of the book and 1 bookmarks inside
If you want to start the day with a positive thought, read it. It would bring you a dose of inspiration in doing your job. Surely, you will be enlightened whenever you're feeling down particularly with regards to your work. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lovely Blog Award

I was surprised when I visited Writings of an Introvert blog and I've found out that she'd love to share with me this Lovely Blog Award. This brought a great big smile on my face. I really appreciate it.

This is my first ever blog award I have received in the blogging world. Actually, I really wish for it since I started blogging. Wish granted, indeed. I was deeply touched by the kindness and gesture of friendship shared to me by introvertwriter.

I would like also to share this Lovely Blog Award to all bloggers who take time in visiting my simple blog. Thank you for inspiring me to continue what I've started.

I hope you can pay them a visit. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Very Blessed Life

When I opened my inbox last Saturday, this is what I've read on GodWhispers message for me.
It's really uplifting spiritually and emotionally when I filled up my heart and mind with these encouraging words from God. God truly send people who will give and share wonderful thoughts to others who need such. Bo Sanchez is one of them. Indeed, he is a blessing to us. He inspires and motivates us to appreciate and receive God's abundance in every area of our lives. GodWhispers Club members feed our minds with the very best spiritual diet available in the world. Contemplating such words makes me more inspired to wait for the very blessed life God have written for me. Surely, He will bless me even more.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Insensitive People

Would you be glad when on Valentine's Day someone will tell you, "How pity you are! You have no significant other to be with on this special day?" I guess not! I think it's pretty normal to feel bad when you know within yourself that there are times in your life you do feel unloved, alone and lonely. What would be the best response on this situation? I don't know the best answer. I only replied, "You know nothing about me." It was happened last February 14, 2011. A certain colleague spoke this ironic words towards me. I just can't ignore the hurt it caused me. I was offended and felt insulted by his ill-remarks.

I just don't know why there are some insensitive people who really can't hold their tongue and happy to hurt others through giving sarcastic remarks. A negative words that could hurt someone's feeling. Others might say I'm just bitter in love. I won't blame you. Maybe you're right. I'm just being myself. A simple and sensitive lady cat.

Valentine's Day reminds me of the unpleasant memories and failed relationships I had in the past. It adds to my injury when some people keep on criticizing and asking repeated questions about my love life. Does it show utmost concern? Or they wanted only to destroy my self-confidence? I don't owe them a single cent. Neither did I ask them a bit of their comments and opinions. They don't even have a common knowledge about me and what I've been through in life.  I have my own life and reason to live the way it is. They had no right to put me down and break me into pieces. I should remind myself.

I'm not ashamed that I lost the battle of love for several times. I accept it with humility and a courageous heart. Still, I'm not afraid to fall in love again. I'm not even afraid of commitment. But I'm not a perfect girl. I have flaws and imperfection. But I am unique. I won't push myself to look for love. I let my heart finds it. Maybe it's not yet the perfect time. Just maybe. I mused it was. Only God knows.

At this very moment, I claim, "The best is yet to come. Someone better will walk into my life and I will find my one true love."

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pink & White Motif

It is my first time to join the Pink Fridays meme of Mommy Rubz. Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness, self-worth,  love, and acceptance. Color pink represents femininity that's why I do love it. 
The above pictures were taken during the HOSPITAL PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION - NCR, INC. (HPMA-NCR, Inc.) Induction of New Set of Officers and New Members held on September 19, 2008 at CASA 1952, DLS-STI Medical Center. Pink and white motif adorned the buffet tables, cocktail tables, dining tables and chairs. Jasmin and I enjoyed the occasion and glad that we had given a chance to meet and interact with other hospital-based HR practitioners.

My 1st entry for Pink Fridays.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

God is my Shield

Below is the GodWhispers I read from my inbox today. It tells exactly what's in my mind about what  happened on this morning. I'm just obeying the employee rules and regulations imposed by the company.
There was an incident happened between me and a co-worker earlier this morning. She uttered bitter and harsh words against me and without a word I cried because I couldn't take it anymore. I hold on to being a professional, not making any further argument with her. Another worst thing she did was gossiping to different department what was happened between us. For short, she bad-mouthed me here in the workplace. It hurts but I stand to what is proper and just. I don't want any trouble that's why I decided to keep my silence and let her not destroy my patience and professionalism. I'm still glad that the people whom she told about it sympathize with me. They believed that I'm on the right track. They said that this person has an attitude problem. That she had also conflicts with others on the past. What I did was I informed my immediate boss for what had happened and he advised me on what's best thing to do on such situation and how to handle it with dignity and pride of a professional woman like me.

I will just pray and let God heal me on the hurt she caused me. And as what Sir Francis Kong says, "Pay no attention to the jerks and losers in the workplace." 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Flight Plan

Different Philippine carriers nowadays have a promo fare. Many Filipinos book a flight here in  Philippines and abroad. Many of my co-workers were done on booking their certain flights to set foot on different tourist spots here in the Philippines. Others choose to go outside the Philippines to experience what other countries could offer. They grabbed the opportunity to travel such places because of the cheap and affordable flights and low fare promo within travel period offered by different airlines.

I wanted also to book for a flight or two. I'd like to take a short vacation on my hometown to be with with my mother and sister. I'd like to visit my best friend to have a bonding moment while reminiscing our high school life. I'd like to walk along the beach, go for a day or night swimming and build sandcastles. I'd like to visit old places wherein I had unforgettable memories with.

I'd like also to set foot in another tourist spots here in Philippines like Bohol, Camarines Sur, Cebu, Iloilo, Palawan and many more. But I have a second thought. I'm really hesitant to book for a flight because right now I'm still waiting for a response on my application for employment abroad. What if I book and unable to make it due to unexpected call from the agency? What if I will be informed that I need to report immediately and submit needed documents because anytime soon I'll be leaving? If that happens, the money I've paid for airfare will be wasted. That's exactly my dilemma why my flight plan is still on hold right now.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thanksgiving Giveaway from Pinay Mommy Online

I still consider myself as newbie in the blogging world. But still I want to join Pinay Mommy Online's Thanksgiving Giveaway. I want to tell the whole world how thankful I am to God for all the blessings He bestowed on me and His ways of molding me to become a better and stronger person.

I came from a broken home and I don't deny it. Being one and also identified as an illegitimate child ain't easy to accept. I've been hurt and cried a bucket of tears in knowing the truth. But realizing that there's no good thing I could gain on being rebellious and dwelling on the past, I accepted my fate and decided to go on with my life. I let God direct me to the right pathway of life. I studied well, learned many things not only from the four sides of classroom but also from all the people who taught me how to persevere and strive on what I wanted to be. There are many times I want to give up but still I moved on. I worked hard and prayed hard asking for guidance and strength to go on.

I still remember the days when I want and eager enough to enroll in a bachelor's degree after finishing my vocational course. I enrolled and became a working student just to be able to pursue my education. I learned to be thrifty so that I could sustain my other needs, manage time and prioritize things to meet deadlines. I learned how not to take people I love for granted. I learned to sacrifice my love for someone special and face the terrible moment when I lose and let him go. I learned to get along well with other people while living far from my family. Eventually, I saw the light at the end of the dark tunnel when I received my bachelor's diploma.

Looking back, I feel so much blessed and grateful to God for where I am right now. I have a stable job with one of the prestigious institution of my country. I enjoy life's journey with my family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Still unavoidable set of circumstances come my way, but I know I do carried suitcase of courage and faith in God to face whatever it takes.

Pinay Mommy Online is hosting this thanksgiving giveaways. Fabulous prizes are at stake!

We would like to thank all the sponsors of Pinay Mommy Online's Thanksgiving!!

Pinay Mommy Online,Proud Mommy of Three, My Tots Exactly!, My Tummy Calls, Azumi - Kawaii Princess’ Story, Worth's World, Make Money Online, E!, One Proud Momma, DashingSmiles, myWeb-BlogdotCom, Kizuna, Marikenya's Travel and Resource Blog, The Miscellaneous Me, Family and Home Living, Meet and Greet, Joys in Life, All About Her, Viva Pinay, Stylish Voyager, Written by Mys, Cinco Online, Fat Girl No More, i am woman hear me rawr, Lifestyle & Homemaking, Kero's Celebration, The Peregrinator, I Love Hate Blogging, Web Design Philippines, Make Money Blog, Lovingly Mama, Princess Wannabe, Contest Buff, Earn Dollars Pinoy!, Samut-Sari, Pensive Thoughts, Happy Home Working, jared's little corner of the world..., Nutrition and Health Care, The Domain Angel, Eat, Drink, Blog, Our Kids Plus Us

If you want to join in this fabulous giveaways, please visit  Pinay Mommy Online's Thanksgiving Giveaway post.

My Fossil Watch

My friend, Aieen handed me a small paper bag after we fetched her at the NAIA last August 2010. She wanted me to open it immediately and wished I'd would like it. I opened and here it was. A fossil watch. A cute and beautiful token for me. 
I thanked her for the wonderful and precious gift she'd given me. It is a gesture of genuine love and friendship. It reminds me of all the memories we have in this journey of friendship and life.
I feel so much joy and it makes me smile whenever someone shows appreciation for all the good things I did. It's really a wonderful world to have people who show you how much you're mean to them. Such a wonderful feeling!

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Lovebirds in the Lobby

While I was entering the hospital lobby, I heard familiar sounds. A beautiful music to the ears and I love it - the birds chirping. What I saw there was the flower arrangement at the center of the lobby with a cage of lovebirds on the top. It's so lovely that I don't waste time in capturing the wonderful picturesque.
There are many patients and visitors who enjoy watching and listening to the chirping sounds of lovebirds. It brightens my day and adds color to the place. What a beautiful creation of God!
Camera Critters
My 1st entry to Camera Critters Meme.

Friday, February 04, 2011

On My 2011 Wishlist

I know I'm a bit late for my year 2011 wishlist. But still I want to make this because I was inspired to do so. Last year, almost all of my wishes came true and that's the reason why I want to make it. As what I've  read from Chinese Astrology, this 2011 Year of the Rabbit will be a favorable year for those who born under the Year of the Sheep/Goat. I'm belong to it and hoping it will.

There are some quite unattainable wishes on my list within the year but I'm still hopeful and fervently praying that God will grant them. In the end, my lips would say "God, Your will be done." You're the Only One who knows the best for me.

On my 2011 Wish List are:

     1.  Work abroad
     2.   Meet my knight in shining armor
     3.   Get married
     4.   Have kids 
     5.   Have a travel vacation (local or international)
     6.   Organize my family reunion
     7.   Save money for future renovation of my acquired house & lot
     8.   Buy a Nikon compact digital camera for daily use
     9.   Have a Nikon DLSR camera 
   10.   More savings and investment 

I'm looking forward and hopeful for a favorable and blessed year on this Year of the Rabbit. I will keep my fingers crossed for all of my wishes.